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Making crisp fried onions Notes

更新时间:16/04/19 17:03:04     来源:www.jxhsgarlic.com关闭分    享:

Crisp fried onions is a snack food for all ages, and the production method is also very simple. However, in the production process must pay attention to the oil temperature and frying time, the following are specific considerations crisp fried onions, and welcome your interest.

First, in the production of deep-fried onion crisp sure to oil temperature control in 140-150 degrees Celsius, high oil temperature is likely to result onion crisp black, bitter.

Second, due to the deep-fried onion crisp raw material is dehydrated onion slices, fried so long do not have time, it normally takes 10-12 minutes, until golden brown.

Third, in the production process, spring onion absorb a lot of oil, so after blowing up must be dumped oil for 3-4 minutes, so that was more healthy eating.

Fourth, the need for timely production of a good crisp onion separate stainless steel tools, stainless steel case can be spread out on the cold, to prevent caking.

Crisp fried onion production process is very simple, good attention to these matters, you can also make a delicious and beautiful cakes onions. Today's content will be introduced here, thank you for your attention, more exciting content, so stay tuned next article. Tracy: Autumn Q


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