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Fried garlic granules

Fried garlic
Garlic --peeling--selection--rinsing--disinfection--Cut grain--spin-dry--dried--select-- water-soak- -spin-dry--fried--oil throwing--cold--select--packing.

This product is produced by the selected high quality garlic after dehydration and then fried, does not contain any accessories and additives, it is very suitable auxiliary material for food processing .

Our company’s fried products are strictly in accordance with the relevant national standard execution in the process of production, ensure product hygiene and health, product acid value, peroxide value, microbial test items were considerably lower than the national standard.


以上是关于Fried garlic granules厂家,Fried garlic granules价格,Fried garlic granules加工,Fried garlic granules哪家好的详细介绍
地区产品: 金乡Fried garlic granules厦门Fried garlic granules漳州Fried garlic granules云南Fried garlic granules上海Fried garlic granules山东Fried garlic granules广州Fried garlic granules福建Fried garlic granules揭阳Fried garlic granules香港Fried garlic granules北京Fried garlic granules
更新时间:16/04/11 17:53:04   【打印此页】   【关闭



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